Addendum to Marital Settlement Agreement

Getting a divorce is never an easy decision, but when both parties agree to the terms of the separation, it can make the process less stressful. The document that outlines the terms of separation is called a marital settlement agreement (MSA). This agreement outlines everything from the division of assets to spousal support. However, sometimes after the MSA is signed, there may be a need for additional terms or changes. This is where an addendum to the marital settlement agreement comes into play.

What is an Addendum to the Marital Settlement Agreement?

An addendum to the MSA is simply a modification or addition to the original agreement. It allows both parties to make changes to the terms of the original agreement without having to go through the court system again. Sometimes, changes are necessary due to unforeseen circumstances, such as a change in income or a child’s unexpected expense. Other times, it may be a simple oversight that needs to be corrected.

Why Should You Consider an Addendum?

An addendum can be an excellent way to make necessary changes to the MSA without having to go through the court process again. Going to court can be time-consuming and costly, so any opportunity to avoid this process is often welcomed by both parties. Additionally, an addendum allows both parties to continue to work together in a collaborative manner. It can demonstrate a willingness to compromise and work together for the benefit of all involved.

How to Draft an Addendum to the MSA?

The process for drafting an addendum to the MSA is similar to the process of creating the original MSA. It is critical to have a knowledgeable family law attorney draft the addendum to ensure that it is legally binding and enforceable. Once the addendum is drafted, it must be signed and notarized by both parties.


Divorce can be a challenging and emotional process, but it can be made easier by having a well-crafted MSA in place. However, even the best-crafted MSA may require changes due to life circumstances. An addendum to the MSA can be a useful tool to modify or add terms to the original agreement without having to go through the court process again. Contact a family law attorney today to see if an addendum is the right choice for your situation.

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Commercial Real Estate Lease Commission Agreement

When it comes to commercial real estate, lease commission agreements are crucial for ensuring a fair and profitable deal for both landlords and tenants. In this article, we`ll discuss the basics of commercial real estate lease commission agreements and how they work.

What is a Lease Commission Agreement?

A lease commission agreement is a contract between the landlord and the real estate broker that outlines the commission the broker will receive for securing a tenant for a commercial property. Typically, the landlord pays the commission to the broker, but the tenant may also be responsible for paying a portion of the commission, depending on the terms of the lease.

How is the Commission Calculated?

The commission is usually calculated as a percentage of the total lease value, typically ranging from 3% to 6%. For example, if the total value of the lease is $100,000 and the commission rate is 5%, the broker would receive a commission of $5,000.

Who Pays the Commission?

As mentioned earlier, the landlord generally pays the commission to the broker. However, in some cases, the tenant may also be required to pay a portion of the commission. This could occur if the tenant hires a broker to negotiate on their behalf, or if the landlord requires the tenant to reimburse them for the commission.

What Should be Included in a Lease Commission Agreement?

A lease commission agreement should clearly outline the following:

1. Commission Rate: The percentage of the total lease value that the broker will receive as commission.

2. Who Pays the Commission: Whether the landlord, tenant, or both parties will be responsible for paying the commission.

3. Term of the Agreement: The length of time that the agreement will remain in effect.

4. Scope of Services: The specific services the broker will provide, such as marketing the property, identifying potential tenants, negotiating lease terms, and preparing lease documents.

5. Delegation of Duties: If the broker is working with a team of professionals, the agreement should specify the roles and responsibilities of each team member.

6. Confidentiality: The agreement should include a confidentiality clause to protect the landlord`s confidential information.


In conclusion, a lease commission agreement is an essential document in commercial real estate leasing. It ensures that the broker receives fair compensation for their services, and the landlord and tenant can negotiate lease terms with confidence that they are getting a good deal. As a result, it`s important to consult with a qualified attorney when drafting a lease commission agreement to ensure that all parties are protected and the agreement is legally binding.

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Sap Agreements Dpa

SAP Agreements DPA: Everything You Need to Know

SAP is one of the world`s leading software companies, providing enterprise resource planning (ERP) and business management solutions to businesses of all sizes and industries. As more companies across the globe turn to SAP for their business needs, there has been an increased focus on data privacy and security. This is where SAP agreements DPA come into play.

What Are SAP Agreements DPA?

SAP agreements DPA refers to the Data Processing Addendum (DPA) that is added as part of the contractual agreement between SAP and its customers. The DPA outlines the responsibilities and obligations of both parties regarding the processing and protection of personal data. It sets out the procedures and requirements for compliance with data protection laws, including the GDPR.

Why Are SAP Agreements DPA Important?

Data privacy laws continue to evolve worldwide, and there is strict scrutiny on how companies process and protect personal data. In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) mandates businesses to take specific measures to ensure data is collected, processed, and stored securely. This is where SAP agreements DPA become crucial, as it offers a framework for businesses to remain compliant with GDPR and other data privacy laws.

What Are the Key Elements of an SAP Agreement DPA?

An SAP agreements DPA should include the following elements:

1. Data processing instructions: Details on how personal data is collected and processed by SAP.

2. Obligations of SAP: Specifies the measures taken by SAP to protect personal data, confidentiality, and security.

3. Obligations of the customer: Outlines the customer`s obligation to provide accurate information, ensure consent, and maintain privacy policies.

4. Data controller/processor: Identifies whether SAP is the data controller or processor and the respective responsibilities.

5. Data protection impact assessment: Specifies the requirements for conducting a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA).

6. Data subject rights: Outlines how SAP will respond to data subject requests, including access, rectification, erasure, etc.

7. Security measures: Specifies the security measures that SAP has in place to protect personal data.

8. Data breach notification: Specifies the notification procedures for data breaches.

9. Sub-processing: Specifies the requirements and procedures for sub-processing.

Why Do You Need an SAP Agreement DPA?

An SAP agreements DPA is essential for businesses that use SAP services to stay compliant with data protection laws. By having an agreement in place, businesses can confidently use SAP`s services while ensuring data is protected, and privacy laws are followed.

In conclusion, SAP agreements DPA are crucial in today`s era of data privacy and security. Every business that uses SAP services should have an SAP DPA in place to ensure compliance with data protection laws. This will help protect the personal data of their customers while maintaining the trust and confidence of their clients.

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