Subject Predicate Agreement Exercises PDF: A Comprehensive Guide
Subject and predicate agreement is a crucial aspect of writing grammatically correct sentences. It refers to the relationship between the subject (the person or thing doing the action) and the predicate (the action or state of being). When the subject and predicate agree, the sentence sounds natural and makes sense.
To help you practice subject and predicate agreement, we have compiled a list of exercises in PDF format. These exercises are designed to help you understand the rules of subject and predicate agreement and apply them correctly in your writing.
Exercise 1: Identify the Subject and Predicate
The first step in subject and predicate agreement is identifying the subject and predicate in a sentence. In this exercise, you will be given a sentence, and you need to identify the subject and predicate. For example:
Sentence: The cat chased the mouse.
Subject: The cat
Predicate: chased the mouse
Exercise 2: Match the Subject and Predicate
In this exercise, you will be given a list of subjects and a list of predicates. Your task is to match the subject with the correct predicate to form a meaningful sentence. For example:
Subjects: The dog, The boy, The flowers
Predicates: are blooming, is running, are barking
Possible sentence: The flowers are blooming.
Exercise 3: Correct the Subject and Predicate Agreement
This exercise involves correcting sentences that have incorrect subject and predicate agreement. You will need to identify the error and correct it to make the sentence grammatically correct. For example:
Incorrect sentence: The team of players is play basketball.
Corrected sentence: The team of players is playing basketball.
Exercise 4: Rewrite the Sentence with Correct Subject and Predicate Agreement
In this exercise, you will be given a sentence with incorrect subject and predicate agreement. Your task is to rewrite the sentence with the correct agreement. For example:
Incorrect sentence: The group of tourists are taking pictures.
Rewritten sentence: The group of tourists is taking pictures.
By practicing these exercises regularly, you will develop a better understanding of subject and predicate agreement. This will improve your writing skills and help you communicate your ideas more effectively.
Subject and predicate agreement is a fundamental aspect of English grammar. By using the exercises in this PDF, you can improve your ability to correctly identify and use subject and predicate agreement in your writing. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing until it becomes second nature to you.